In this project the limitations of the human mind are questioned by also exceeding photographic limitations.The images aren’t what we used to: they do not represent the reality, everything but the reality is what the photographic is trying to succeed. The photographer tries to reach this by playing and experimenting with long shutter speeds, image manipulation both analog as digital, making scans but also making photos through a microscope and telescope. Furthermore there are also photograms, (CT)-scans and other alternative ways to capture an image. These images are metaphorical for a search of ‘the incomprehensible’ by other nontraditional ways of capturing light. This way, the photographer confronts the viewer to think and look differently.This idea goes back to scientific theories and philosophical texts, like the idea of ‘quanta’ as well as the story of ‘Flatland’ where it becomes clear that humans are limited in their intelligence.
All images ©Stefanie Schaut