Landscape Pieces
Our natural environment is rapidly changing in the face of climatic change. As a result, landscapes are quickly shifting and receding under the influence of extreme weather conditions. Landscape Pieces is an ongoing series of works exploring the impermanence of the natural surrounding and the fragility of our own presence in the land.
The photographs in this series are based on natural objects I encounter and collect on walks and journeys. The found objects are strongly enlarged and removed from their context. They function as archaeological records of the sites in which they were found; places marked by time and the natural elements, like eroded coastlines and weathered mountainsides. In the photographs the found pieces become abstract landscapes themselves and assume almost totem-like qualities.
The transitory and ephemeral aspect of the natural environment is accentuated by the use of analog photographic processes and expired photographic paper. The prints in this series are characterized by faded areas and unpredicted spots and colorations that occur in the developing process. They are often affected by light, even after processing, resulting in images with low contrasts that might degrade and slowly change appearance over time.
All images ©Silvia De Giorgi