Uniformity: the quality or state of being uniform.
The desert as an open space used to have multiple roles and states. Its basic characteristic is uniformity, from every point of view the desert has almost the same image. It is in an in-between state. An almost empty area between organised public and private spaces (villages,cities). The desert is transformed into a modern city on an exponential growth. The elements of the dessert are reformed into these of an artificial oasis.
West Bayis a newly developed neighborhood of Doha, in the state of Qatar. It is considered as one of the most prominent areas of the city, being the latest district to be built. Some of the tallest skyscrapers of the country are found in this area. The West Bay can almost be seen from any direction in Doha, making it one of the key marks of the new and rapidly developing Qatar. The city, as seen from these buildings, loses its small details the higher you get. A reshaped part of the desert that still maintains its uniformity.
All images ©Orestis Seferoglou