“To Move the Sun and Earth Away” is a photographic and sound project that asks questions on perspective bias and human’s perception of environment as something completely alienated from us. How people hide and reveal the truth? How do we struggle to accept evident problems and why do we sometimes rather live in denial? When did fear prevail and how does awareness of the crisis make us anxious? This obvious alienation from nature intrigued me and led me to the concept of dualisms. The physical installation form came from there — to question the sense and bias originating in omnipresent dualisms, such as truth vs. falsity, hiding vs. revealing, accepting vs. avoiding&denying and fact vs. fiction. The mirrors in front of images, present only in physical installation, play a role of blurring and preventing the one-sided view of images and enable practically infinite different perspectives and perceptions of photographs. On one hand, mirrors allow to show us all the new perspectives, but initially they block our view on general picture.
All images ©Jost Dolinsek