A resurgent river that winds for about 100 kilometres, shaping springs, little lakes, marshy areas, peat-bogs. The main features of this river and lagoon territory often remain indistinct. The space is not only the background of an action but it often becomes the main character. The perception of it seems confused, indistinct and the limits of the visible become more noticeable. The river is repeatedly the object of other eyes, often the object turns into subject. The observer becomes landscape and vice versa. The eyes and the points of view multiply: landscapes only apparently deserted, landscapes not visible, but insistently visible, landscapes immersed in the fog where there is not a living soul to be seen but thousands of presences are heard. What we don’t see is always more important than what we see. No place looks like that place, every place is that place.
All images ©Gianpaolo Arena