The project work on which began in December 2018 after an unplanned stay in the village of Dinamo(Leningrad Region) to restore health (walking in the fresh air and all that) of a person close to me. Inone of these first walks we occasionally ”discovered” that very close from our house is situated aunique geological monument of nature — a canyon, whose shores turned out to be heavily«cultivated» by garages and small garden houses, littered and partially overgrown with dangeroushogweed. Its depth reaches 20 meters at some places and it apparently appeared about 10 thousandyears ago when the ”Swedish” glacier has retreated from the Central Europe.A person often is associated with some place that becomes for him the subject of personalmythologising and artistic embodiment. In my case the canyon became a ”mirror” of my reflectionsat the collision with the disease and its metaphor…
All images ©Ekaterina Vasilyeva