My pictures form a paradoxical structure in which I deal with the uncertainty of observations, feelings and essences. I deal with the main concept of uncertainty and I approach it from different points of view. Mind, memories and experience in general are uncertain things, and they contain a lot of the repressed and incomprehensible dimensions. I use Sigmund Freud´s concept of the uncanny to describe my relation towards my images. By using the familiar and unfamiliar together I deal with conflicting feelings and surprising combinations which create questions. In my work personal archive materials, basic marks, forms and staged photography combine together and suddenly lose their familiar sides and create new associations and metaphors.
I see my work as an attempt to shake the essence of things and to change their everyday meanings. As material errors, chances and experimentation are essential to my work. I create contradictions, atmospheres with combination of lightness and weight-familiar and unfamiliar. The stable form of the image is fragmented in many ways through editing, using prisms, binoculars and making collages. In my works I explore how photography can create small sequences and show different perspectives of the same thing in the same work, while the movement and repetition in my works reflect the uncertain structures and movements of the mind, memories and perceptions.
I experience images as poems that give words to experiences in a surprising way that can`t be expressed in ordinary language that is why I see image as I see words, which can be bent, mixed and combined as you like. To me the image is an uncertain matter located between fact and fiction, language and body.
All images ©Eeva Hannula