This series is about ‘roots’, my roots; the rural places i have never been, the countryside i have not had a relationship with, my roots where i have stayed away from for years.Knowing ones roots, in the journey of getting to know ourselves, is like belonging to something or somewhere. Having realised this journey, I have taken a new step towards getting to know myself better and to position myself in life.
In my work I focus on the relationship between people and their environments. I believe the environment shapes people and at the same time people give shape to their environment. In my opinion everything in our environment; homes, trees, buildings, stones have a soul. For example, in my ‘Root’ series there is a photo of a broken glass. This broken glass has a history; who used it? how did it end up there? Through my roots I explored the soul of the environment which has shaped me.
All images ©Cihad Caner